Monday, February 2, 2009 Restoration opens up an Amazon aStore...

First, thank you to all that have come by the site. I hope you like the new look!

I've opened up an Amazon aStore here to help support my X1/9 restoration. This is powered by Amazon, so you can rest assured it is safe and secure.

I've put together the best of Fiat X1/9 books and other Fiat related items in a convenient location for you to browse through. There are some neat books on a wide range of Fiat cars there, to. There are also select car restoration products. Particularly interesting to an X1/9 owner would be the rust treatment products like Rust Bullet, Por 15 Rust Treatments and Fuel Tank Repair kits.

Keep an eye on the fiatresto store. I'll be on the look out for the most interesting and best of X1/9 and other car restoration products.